Online Bookings & Payments

Convert more of your website’s visitors into sales. Here’s how.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Always bookable

Turn your website into a 24/7 booking platform. Spend less time on the phone taking bookings and never again lose a sale after business hours.

Designed mobile-first

Now since the majority of online bookings now happen on a cell phone, we designed the most intuitive and attractive mobile experience possible. Sometimes you have to flirt to convert.


Peace of mind for you and your guest

Our partnership with Square allows you to take all major credit cards and guarantees your guests’ online payments are safe and secure.

Bonus: If you already use Square as your payment processor, you’ll lower your credit card rate just by using Singenuity. And just like that we’re helping your bottom line.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions
Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

A better booking experience for your guest. More efficient for your operation.

Efficiency is one of those buzz words that gets thrown around a lot, but we take it very seriously. Running an efficient operation starts with the booking process, and we’ve gone a step beyond just allowing your guests to book online.

Simply put, our Priority Booking feature uses intelligent algorithms to make sure time slots are getting filled – cutting down on your partially-booked time slots and immediately making your operation more efficient.


Guests can checkout with their fingerprint

Digital wallets – Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Masterpass – make checkout quicker and more secure for your guests.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Incentivize your guests to do more

Do you offer more than one activity? Combine 2 or more activities together and offer packages to your guests.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Tap into international markets

Singenuity integrates with Localize, so you can support as many languages as you’d like and capture more international visitors.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

The more people that sell your activity, the better

Track and get paid for any bookings made by a 3rd party, no matter what you call them – concierges, affiliates, vendors, resellers, partners, etc.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Customizable emails before and after your guest’s visit

Confirmation Email
Upon booking, guests automatically receive their payment receipt, activity details, directions, and a link to fill out their waivers beforehand.

Follow-Up Email
Automatically say thank you, send promotions, ask for reviews, and push social media the day after their experience.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Draw customers in with flexible promotions.

Run promos by date range, days of the week, time of day, and more. Also sync your discount site codes (like Groupon) so guests can reserve their spot online instead of calling.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

On-Site Bookings & Point-of-Sale

Powerful enough to handle your needs. Simple enough to learn in a day.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

One app is all your front-line staff needs to smoothly run your daily operations.

  • Create and manage bookings
  • Sell merchandise and photos
  • Manage waivers
  • Take all forms of payment

Turn your iPad into a full point-of-sale

This isn’t a we’ve-slapped-a-card-reader-on-the-side-of-the-computer kind of point-of-sale. This is the real deal. Square credit card and chip reader, receipt printer, cash drawer, Zebra bar code scanner – all connected to your iPad via bluetooth.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Tap, insert, swipe. For a cheaper rate.

Our tight integration with Square allows for painless setup of a reliable credit card reader. Not to mention Singenuity clients get a lower rate, just for being our client.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Easily take deposits or split payment

Singenuity takes all of the thinking and calculating out of the hands of the employee, even for complex payment scenarios (i.e. one group of twelve guests, five get a discount, they all want to pay separately…yikes). Taking payments will never slow you down again.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

As simple as a shopping cart

Since everyone knows how to use online shopping carts, we’ve designed our selling process to work the same way, giving your staff familiarity and ultimate flexibility. Intuitively checkout any combination of activities, food & drink, and merchandise.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Track order changes so you’re always in the loop

We understand you are in the service industry. That’s why we keep track of any changes made all the way down to if the customer opened their confirmation email or not.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Tickets! We’ve got tickets!

Between our integration with Boca Systems and our Scanner app for access control, we’ve got your ticketing needs covered.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Never lose track of another penny

However your business handles cash management, this feature will help employees be accountable for their cash drawers and add a layer of internal security.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Digital Waivers & Check-In

Like most people, we aren’t passionate about legal documents. However, we are passionate about providing your guests with a simple and seamless check-in experience made possible by linking waivers and bookings like no other software has done before.

The check-in process is not only your customer’s first impression of you, but a vital step in limiting liability. We’ve eliminated any room for error by cutting out third party software, because everyone knows third wheels cramp your style.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Turn you existing waiver into a digital waiver

No more clipboards. No more storing paper waivers. Automating your waiver process is as simple as inputting your current waiver into Singenuity, and we take care of the rest.

Free & Unlimited Waivers

Doesn’t matter how many waivers – it’s always free & unlimited. Think of the money you’ll save. Just another added benefit of using Singenuity.



Provide your guests with a self-service waiver station with our free iOS Kiosk app, or they can scan a QR code and fill it out right on their own mobile device.

Express Check-In

Guests can fill out their waivers on any device before they come by following a link in their confirmation email (great for groups, especially the late ones).

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions
Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Turn your TV into a powerful display showing upcoming reservations

Quickly see each party’s check-in status all without jumping behind a desk – helping activities start on time and keeping your busy day moving.


Take human error out of the check-in process

Simpler is safer, and your front-line staff’s lives will be much less hectic with our Schedule page that plainly shows everything your employees need – including payment status, waiver status, notes and more – to safely and efficiently check guests in.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Safety. Sécurité. 安全性.

Safety is a universal language. Help your guests feel safer and limit your liability by providing your waiver in multiple languages.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

They’re aren’t checked-in until they’ve been weighed-in

For adventure operators, weighing guests can be uncomfortable and the enforcement of weight limits can slip through the cracks. That’s why it’s part of our seamless check-in process, making it easier to enforce.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

All your customer data searchable in seconds

Participant data gathered from the waiver is securely stored in our online database and easily found and exported when/if needed.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Put your customer data to good use

Gathering every guest’s personal information including email, birthday, and zip code can be a powerful marketing tool when coupled with our Mailchimp integration.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Complete Photo Solution

Point. Click. Add a whole new revenue stream to your operation with our built-in, easy-to-use photo system.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Proven revenue generator

Selling photos is the simplest way to add a whole new revenue stream to your already-awesome tour or activity. And just by using Singenuity, you’ll be equipped with all the technology you’ll need.

All you have to do is take the picture

And we take care of the rest. No more uploading photos on your computer. No more USB drives or Dropbox folders. Our built-in photo system includes a photo app, cloud-based uploads, self-service kiosks for your guests, live photo slideshows, and automated digital delivery upon purchase.


Photos is a real way for your operation to increase its bottom line.

All markets are different but we will help make your photo process efficient and effective, maximizing your photo revenue. Our clients average anywhere between $3-$7 additional per guest from photo sales.

Use the table to see how much extra revenue using Singenuity can bring your operation.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Never worry about uploading photos again

Each captured photo immediately and automatically uploads directly to the cloud with a good internet or cellular connection, where it patiently waits to be viewed and purchased.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Step 1: Take and allocate photo
Allocate photos simply by selecting reservation. Use just a phone as the camera or add DSLR for higher quality images.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Step 2: View and purchase the photos
Photos are automatically and immediately uploaded to the cloud so guests don’t have to wait to see their pics.

Don’t have Wifi or reliable cellular available on your course? No problem.
We have a solution for you no matter your operation’s size, infrastructure, location or budget.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Turn your TV into a photo salesperson

Display large hi-resolution photos in real-time on any TV. Boost sales by allowing guests to look and laugh at their photos together when they finish their activity.


Self-service kiosk for guests

Guests can view and purchase photos on their own – cutting wait time, lowering staffing costs, and boosting photo sales. Everybody wins.

Guests only see their photos, not everyone else’s

It’s a much better customer experience when they don’t have to look through tons of photos of people they don’t know. Bonus: no more sly (but perfectly legal) deals amongst different parties where one party buys the photos and emails them to everyone else.

No wait time

The quickest way to kill your photo sales is to make guests wait around for them to upload. Because photos are uploading via the cloud as soon as the photo is taken, we flipped the script: the photos are now waiting on the guest.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

The brains behind the photo system

Singenuity Photo app allows you to easily allocate the photo to the right booking. Photos can be taken using the phone’s camera or a DSLR for even higher quality images.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Purchased photos are automatically delivered

Immediately upon purchase, the guests’ hi-resolution photos are automatically emailed to them for download. Think of the time you’ll save!

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Keep the sell going with an automatic follow-up email.

Ideally most guests buy photos right after their experience. But for the non-impulse buyers, Singenuity automatically sends your guests an email a couple days later with their photos to be viewed and/or purchased.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Never worry about storage

No one wants to think about hard-drive or cloud storage, so don’t. Never worry about storing or uploading too many photos. You just have to take the picture and Singenuity automatically takes care of the rest.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

Let us help you be successful

We provide more than just the technology. Because every operation is different, you can look to us to recommend photo procedures that are efficient, safely accentuate your operation’s strengths, and maximize revenue.

Booking Software for Tours and Attractions


Singenuity integration.

Google Ad Conversion Tracking and Google Analytics gives you insights into how guests find, interact with, and book on your website.

Singenuity integration.

Facebook Pixel and Offline Tracking provide powerful insights into your customers from Facebook.

Singenuity integration.

Mailchimp is an all-in-one marketing platform that helps you manage and talk to your customers.

Singenuity integration.

Sojern is a data-driven traveler marketing company that drives more direct bookings and maximizes revenue

Singenuity integration.

Our integration with Localize allows you to offer your online booking page in as many languages as you’d like.

Singenuity integration.

Boca Systems is the leading manufacturer for high speed thermal printers for tickets and wristbands.

Singenuity integration.
Coming Soon

Connect with real-time bookings through Get Your Guide’s large online marketplace.

Singenuity integration.
Coming Soon

Connect with real-time bookings through Viator’s large online marketplace.

Singenuity integration.
Coming Soon

Connect with real-time bookings through Google’s large online marketplace.

Quick, hassle-free demo

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Booking Software for Tours and Attractions

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Booking Software for Tours and Attractions